Here's how the couples were paired up:
Hok and Jaimie - Didn't really get the night off to a great start. Hok is amazing at what he does and that may be enough to save him tonight.
Danny and Anya - Danny has great potential. These two may make a good to watch.
Kameron and Lacey - Wow! When they got Mia, I didn't know what to expect. I always love watching Mia's choreography. She's such a genius. I didn't know Lacey had that in her. What an amazing performance! Very intense. She really committed to it and Kameron showed the strength that was needed. Very well done. My favorite performance of the night.
D'Trix and Sabra - I spent a little too much time giggling at the costumes on this one. The lifts were nice.
Ricky and Ashlee - Oh how I wish he had drawn a different partner. I loved Ricky in the auditions, but not so much last night. With Ashlee standing nearly a head taller than him, they looked so mismatched and awkward trying to dance ballroom as a couple. It looked like she was dancing with her kid brother. They didn't ooze the sexiness that the style called for and didn't really connect with each other. I expect them to be dancing for their lives tonight. I do feel pretty confident that Ricky can pull off a impressive solo tonight to save himself.
Jesus and Sara - I love Wade Robson.....he's like a twisted Bob Fosse. Jesus and Sara did a nice job with his choreography. Very entertaining to watch. Also probably the best lit piece of the night. My third place couple for the night.
Pasha and Jessi - She couldn't have been luckier than to draw Pasha for the waltz. They danced beautifully together, although the choreography wasn't very memorable. His frame is perfect.....very masculine and romantic. She glided beautifully across the stage, but I was not so crazy about her gown.
Cedric and Faina - I bet this was a hard week for them. Faina was very out of her element and I felt she was struggling through parts of the dance. Very "dance by numbers" to me. I'm expecting they may be one of the couples dancing for their lives tonight, but don't expect to see them departing the show anytime soon.
Neil and Lauren - I went into this wanting to like them.....but it just didn't do a lot for me. No strong connection. Not "hot tamales" like they should have been with the salsa.
Jimmy and Shauna - Very well done. Very entertaining.....they sold it and I think they connected well. I really like Jimmy. I agreed with Nigel that the wardrobe department really did Shauna a disservice with that dress. It made her look chunky. Reminded me too much of the yellow dress Donyelle wore last season. Second favorite couple of the evening.