5 Dollars

My life as an at-home momma of 3 amazing kids...it's kind of like shoveling snow in a blizzard.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Ruby brings home the bling-bling

Ruby's final game was Monday night. I was a little worried that they might not get to play because it had rained earlier in the day and the sky didn't look so good around game time. We did have to run for cover under one of the shelters for a while during the second half, but it didn't last long and they got to finish the game. She's done a great job and played really hard all season. I think she had a lot of fun and learned a little about playing as a team.

Here she is getting her third trophy. (The other 2 were for "micro soccer" where they just did skill work. This is the first one she's earned by playing on a team.)

Ruby and I had gone to the game alone since Kaylee was feeling sick. For some reason they didn't do the pizza dinner after the awards this year. I took her out to Arby's for dinner afterwards instead. As we were leaving Arby's, we saw something that Ruby thought was super cool in the parking lot, so we grabbed the camera.

I should have gotten her trophy out of the car for her to hold in that last picture!


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