Ballerina girl in motion!
Today was Ruby's final ballet class. Family are invited in to watch the final class. Ruby had quite a turn out today with Nanny, Pappy, Grandma Dollar and cousins Tyler and Mitchell attending. (Along with Kaylee and me, of course.)
I was super impressed with how well she did today and I really hope that she holds on to the knowledge during her summer break from ballet. She has learned all the French terms and knows what movement goes with the name and how many of them translate. (I wish I had taken more than one year of French because I really think I could fill her head with it right now!) She answered most of Miss Johanna's questions about the terms before the other girls could. (And she was the youngest in the class today!)
She seems to like the barre work a lot. She has always hurried to be at the front of the barre. Today, when Miss Johanna turned on the music and came back to start the barre work, the other girls were goofing off and Ruby was right in perfect position and ready to go. She got to be the first rosebud and also the line leader for their movement around the room.
I really enjoy watching her because not only does she love ballet, she is really good at it. I hope she sticks with it because she seems to have a real natural talent for it. I wish I could have signed her up for the summer session, but I just don't see how it would have worked with swimming class. Hopefully she'll retain what she has learned over the summer break. She'll probably start dancing again in about 2 months or so.