5 Dollars

My life as an at-home momma of 3 amazing kids...it's kind of like shoveling snow in a blizzard.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005



I realized tonight how much I like listening to Keithen read out loud.

I remember back when I was in school feeling like it was torture to listen to some of the kids in my class read out loud because either they didn't care, didn't know how to read well, or had no idea how to vary their voice and add emotion to make the story interesting.

It's obvious that we've read to Keithen a lot while he was small. He is already good at bringing emotion into the stories he reads out loud and varying his tone to reflect the action of the story.


Kaylee is starting to read a few words here and there. She's got the "at" family of words down. We've tried working on a few other word families but it doesn't always hold her interest. She can read "op" words too usually. I've found a few simple books that hold her interest lately and that she has wanted to work on a little. She is so far behind where Keithen was at this age that sometimes it's hard for me to remember that where she is at right now is actually normal, if not still ahead of many of her peers!


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