5 Dollars

My life as an at-home momma of 3 amazing kids...it's kind of like shoveling snow in a blizzard.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Picking Pumpkins

We went to Waterman's last Sunday to pick out our pumpkins. It was kind of cold and windy, but the kids enjoyed themselves anyway. Unfortunately, the pumpkin eating dinosaur wasn't running for some reason. After going in a few circles, we finally made it out of the cornfield maze. We left with 5 pumpkins, a jug of apple cider and a few tomatoes. Ruby insisted that she wanted a smaller pumpkin.....one that she could carry. I hope it's not too small to carve. We were still chilly when we got home so we had hot chocolate.

On Tuesday, Kaylee's class made up their previously rained-out field trip to Tuttles pumpkin patch. Ruby and I were scheduled to go along. Kaylee rode the bus to school and we were supposed to take the van and meet her in the classroom. Right about the time we were ready to walk out the door, the phone rang. Transportation was calling to tell me that Keithen had thrown up all over the bus and they were bringing him back home. Great. Turns out he was reading on the bus, got dizzy and tossed up his breakfast. I think he just got motion sickness because he wasn't feverish and never threw up again all day. He's been fine ever since. I pray that he's not going to start having problems with getting carsick on the bus. The poor kid has an hour long ride to and from school. Since they can't get out pencils (they might get impaled if there was an accident!) he can't draw or do puzzles, just read. That bus ride is going to get OLD if he can't take reading on the bus anymore.


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