5 Dollars

My life as an at-home momma of 3 amazing kids...it's kind of like shoveling snow in a blizzard.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Rhyme and Reason

The fork and the spoon had a fight.
The fork left because the spoon said she was right.

My kids have known this rhyme for quite a while now. All of them (even Ruby!) know how to set the silverware on the table for dinner.

Amazingly, this little rhyme can be used for more than teaching a child how to set the dinner table! I use this little gem on a regular basis when I am out in public with the kids. If Keithen and Kaylee aren't getting along well, I'll announce, "Fork and spoon please!" and they go to opposite sides of the shopping cart or stroller, just like a fork and spoon go on opposite sides of the dinner plate.

Another favorite rhyme here is one that Keithen learned from one of his classmates last year in Kindergarten.

You get what you get and you don't throw a fit.

None of them particuarly like to be reminded of that one, but they all know it and will remind each other of it if someone is unhappy about what they have.

The one I've found myself using a lot lately with Keithen is pretty simple.

Four on the floor!

It seems like every time he sits in his desk chair lately, he's tipping it up on two legs. I remember my middle school science teacher harping on this with kids in our class every day. He used to talk about how much PSI was being exerted when we sat like that.

Are there any other clever little rhymes that your family uses?


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