5 Dollars

My life as an at-home momma of 3 amazing kids...it's kind of like shoveling snow in a blizzard.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The 3-year-old Princess

Ruby had ballet today. She was privledged to be the first ballerina in the "magic train" to "jump over the river" (do their grande jete). She took some chocolate donut holes with sprinkles to share with her friends for her birthday. They all sang to her at the end of class and had their treat. Then we went to lunch at Chick-fil-a and they played on the playground there. We went to Target for an errand and spent the evening opening presents and eating cupcakes. I think she had a pretty good day! (But I'm still not sure how she got to be THREE years old?!)


  • At 7:03 PM, February 09, 2006 , Blogger Unknown said...

    Its amazing that they grow so fast isn't it.
    Don't take offense to this next statement because I am just curious. I never breast fed but my cousin did til her babies were 9 months then she weened them. I just didn't realize one could nurse beyond a year. I guess its a supply and demand thing??

    Cute photos too.

  • At 9:42 PM, February 09, 2006 , Blogger Carissa said...

    We practice child-lead weaning. As long as the child wants to nurse, then yeah, it's pretty much supply and demand. It's actually pretty amazing how the composition of the milk changes to meet their needs as they age. And of course as they get older, they nurse much less.

    12 months is actually the minimum that the AAP recommends. The WHO recommends at least 2 years. There are studies that show that the natural age of human weaning should be between 2.5 and 7 years. Did you know that Michael Jordan nursed until he was 3 years old!?

    Keithen weaned when he was 3.5 years and Kaylee weaned just before she turned 2 years, when I was PG with Ruby. (Keithen and Kaylee actually tandem nursed for 16 months.) I'm letting Ruby set her own pace as well. I'll miss it when she's done since she's out last.

  • At 10:07 PM, February 11, 2006 , Blogger Unknown said...

    Is she really three! Happy Birthday Ruby and to you too Carissa.

  • At 6:13 PM, February 12, 2006 , Blogger Lisa :) said...

    Happy birthday sweet girl!! Great photos and I love reading the birth stories!

    Happy belated birthday to Keithen too!!

    How did the stitches come out, everythign go okay?

  • At 8:44 PM, February 12, 2006 , Blogger Carissa said...

    They came out fine. I guess I posted that we were going but never the results of it. She ate a sucker while they took the first two out! Then the last two she teared up a bit but didn't really cry. They were much nicer about how they wrapped her up at our doctor's office than at the hospital and I think that helped a lot.


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